Groundcover Plants for Shade

Ground covers are often underestimated and some of us are not aware of his caliber. They are among the most popular plants and gardeners grow quickly to cover your bed garden with beautiful green foliage.

Cover crops are sometimes not used because they are unable to perform at their best. It is important to realize that each and every plant has a different character and texture. If used in the right way, these plants can accentuate the beauty of your landscape and make it more attractive. Besides aesthetic reasons, these plants are also used to control soil erosion and weed growth unnecessary.

Cover crops are less demanding and can grow in almost any soil and climate. However, it is important to respect the basic requirements to grow well. One of the most striking features of the vegetation cover that grow well in shaded areas. This makes them ideal for garden patches that do not receive sunlight. These areas are left uncovered because you can not think about planting anything. Cover crops that grow in such a place can help you fill in the blanks stripped.

Some plants commonly used as cover crops are widely

Hosta Hosta is a perennial that is found in nature. This plant can tolerate shade ground cover that makes it ideal. Hosta has waxy green leaves and bears white flowers in late summer. The plant tends to spread through underground rhizomes.

Common-common Periwinkle Periwinkle also scientifically known as Vinca Minor. It is evergreen vine-like finish that can cover creeping roots. The foliage is bright green, dense and dark. The plant has beautiful small purple flowers in spring and summer. The foliage appears brighter and richer shade.

Canada Wild Ginger Wild Ginger-Canada produces foliage that spreads rapidly by rhizomes. It is a deciduous canopy shaped foreground with the kidneys. The plant is also believed to have medicinal properties and is used by Native Americans to treat many ailments.

Ivy, also known as Hedera helix is ​​a fast growing vines and evergreen. The ivy is an invasive species, but it is generally used as an ornamental plant.

Woodruff is an herb that is known scientifically as Galium odoratum. The plant is usually found in soil and vegetation cover is ideal for shady areas. Produces small fragrant white flowers of spring color.

Thyme-Thyme is an evergreen perennial that grows well in areas that receive partial sunlight. Groups creeping thyme grows and extends in the region. It also produces flowers in spring and summer.

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