Factors in Growing Plants for Shade

To grow your plants shade garden, requires careful planning to meet the following considerations, which will take before venturing along. You must take into account the current structure of your garden, especially if they are currently more trees that can compete with its main plants with nutrients from food, water, space and sunlight.

The condition of your soil is also an important factor that should not be overlooked. The soil under evergreen conifers tends to be more acidic, so the soil analysis is essential for you to adjust the pH of the soil you.
All these factors should have their full attention to respond to what they want with their shade plants.

Considerations for shade plants that grow

Water and nutrient competition

If your garden has trees that can compete with its main plant, which is to address some of the factors that could have an impact in terms of soil nutrients and water use. The trees have long roots that penetrate deeper into the soil horizon and consume more food and water. With this scenario, you must make your plan to have a regular water and fertilizer feeding schedule to maintain soil fertility and water availability.

Soil pH

Test to determine if the soil acid or alkaline, because conifers are under acid soil. Get help for your job level local experts to test your soil or purchase a supply kit soils simple test stores their children to yourself. Just follow the instructions in the game to have a soil test results accurately. If you feel you can not do yourself, seek the help of experts in soil extension. Most plants tolerate shade in a slightly acidic soil (pH 6 to 6.5). If you plant shade plants such as blueberries, rhododendrons and azaleas, prefer soil pH 5.5 to develop successfully.

Requirement Weather

Start your shade garden plants in the spring when the weather is cool and there is enough water to supply its factories in recent growth. Plant roots have a good chance to develop before the arrival of summer. You can also plant in the fall, because the soil is still warm and ideal for root development so rapid that plants can prepare for the coming winter.

Shade requirements

Different shade plants vary in their degree of shading. Some prefer partial shade or dappled, while others tolerate dense shade in the region. Study on your location and the type of plants you want to grow so that you can get the best results you want with your shade garden. Be aware that plants thrive in the shade, still needs full sun or partial manufacturing of their power to produce beautiful flowers and colorful foliage.

You may not edit your conditions garden, but this plant can match the best in this kind of environment that you have in your garden.

Therefore, careful planning is essential for a successful shade garden.

Gardening happy!

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