Flowering Plants for Shade or Low Light Areas

Many gardeners find it difficult to choose the type of plants for low light areas in the garden. Because these dark spots are usually left exposed without any kind of plants. However, if your garden is shady and does not receive direct sunlight throughout the day, you can go ahead and plant varieties incredible.

Although most of your garden was covered with shade can be planted a few perennials with beautiful flowers. They produce beautiful flowers and colorful that can brighten even the darkest corners.

Lily Hosta Hosta-lis produce white or lavender flowers but the plant is more popular for its glossy foliage and showy. The leaves are large and blue or green in appearance. They have a nice texture. Hosta grows well in partial shade to full and prefers rich soil that can retain moisture.

Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley produces delicate bells that are scented. The plant is relatively strong and can survive in shaded areas. Small white flowers born on stems that seem very delicate and exquisite.

Begonia Begonia love shade and colorful flowers during the flowering season. When it is not in bloom, the foliage thick waxy gives them a striking appearance. Is a plant suitable Begonia, which can also be grown in pots and containers.

Wild Wild Violet Violet can thrive well even in the worst places in heavy shadow. They produce pleasant smell of flowers may be blue, purple, pink, white or orange. The flowers are edible and sometimes used to decorate desserts.

Jacob's Ladder Jacob's Ladder, has a bright green foliage and produces beautiful blue flowers in spring and summer. The flowers are grouped in the stem and the plant grows well in partially shaded areas.

Forget Me Not-This plant can be successfully used as a ground cover under taller plants that eclipses. This plant can tolerate shade and grows well in moist soils. The plant has small flowers with five petals that are usually blue.

Primrose Primrose-comes in many varieties that can be purple, white, orange, pink or yellow. Primrose thrives in shade, streams, and over rocky terrain. It can be a nice addition to a rock garden.

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